Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I think in "Facebook Status". I have come to this conclusion recently. This means that every thought that gets processed in my mind, is in the form of a status that I would usually post. For instance, when I put "I think in 'Facebook Status'" I instantly thought that would make a good status...if I had a Facebook. The sad thing is, I haven't had an account since the beginning of July. You would think I would be over it by now. I will say it has gotten better...it used to be constant, but it is now down to a minimum, but nonetheless it still occurs. Stupid Facebook.

Raise your hand if you can believe it's already the end of November. My hand did not go up if you didn't notice. One more month and it will be 2012... some think it will be the end of the world, all I know is I'm turning the big TWO-ONE and I've been pretty much thinking my whole life that 2012 will never come. But you never know...a lot could happen in a month (and I do not mean for that to sound morbid). I'm more in disbelief because I remember last November like it was only last month. All month I have been thinking "On this day I did this..." and then I'm like "What the crap?! That was a year ago!". No super memory needed because time has gone by so fast there wasn't any time to forget.

Nothing too exciting has happened since the last time I posted. Oh, well I did go to Florida for a few days. That was fun seeing everyone again. Dashawnda got married, I got to go 170 mph down around Daytona Intl Speedway, I hung out with Chelsea and Joe. That's pretty much it. For being such a busy weekend, it was actually pretty chill. The worst part was all the airports, especially coming home where I had a 6 hour layover in North Carolina. Back in Utah, I pretty much just worked and went out in service. We had our CO this past week and he was absolutely amazing. I wanted to cry during some of his talks.

I'm hoping in January I will be able to make a quick road trip to Seattle for a couple days to kind of check it out. I want to move there ever so badly, so a friend of mine from Idaho might be going with me so we can scout out some potential places...even though it might be a very long while of us even moving out there. But I hope it works out. Then in March it's back to Florida for James and Ana's wedding!! Oh and there will be a lot of snowboarding involved between now and then! 

Runaway- The National