Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I Made A Resolution

2012! It's the year that I never thought would come...but here we are! Barely getting our toes wet in 2012. Last year was good, but it's not really one I would put on record. There were so many ups and downs, that is just doesn't make the running for "Best Year".

This year has a good feeling that is coming with it. The weeks leading into 2012 were absolutely amazing, and I was not disappointed at the weeks following. So I can only imagine the rest of the year. I know there will be the bad days in between, you can't seem to get away from those, but maybe it's a subconscious resolution that I want to think positive, and appreciate where I am in life. Forgive myself for any mistakes that I am still holding myself to and move on. I have been so happy lately, and it's such a great feeling! I never knew anyone could be this happy!

The other night I was talking with a friend who was very down, so I gave her the advice I was given, and that I now live by:
Live each day, one at a time. Don't worry about tomorrow or yesterday...just TODAY. Whatever problem you have today, fix it and move on. Don't bring your problems to tomorrow because you're just going to get more and they will start piling up and suffocating you that next thing you know you're in a deep depression, you're unhappy, and you have no idea how to solve any of your problems. One of my favorite quotes that I always read from time to time is by Steve Jobs:
      "For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something."
This is seriously the best thing I've ever heard. The only person who can fix your problems is you! Then you learn from your mistakes and all your problems and you know how to handle a whole lot more in life.

So all in all...live your life one day at a time and if there's something that's not right...FIX IT!

I Made a Resolution- Sea Wolf
          "Well I woke up this morning
            And I made a resolution,
            I said, 'never going to sing another sad song again'"